Sartorial Magazine

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Pattern of November: Plaid

Written by Connor Orgill

It is that time of year where summer is gone and autumn begins. The weather becomes colder and the leaves change into an array of colors. The time to pull out your knitted sweaters and fuzzy coats; but wait, what color or pattern is cute for the month of November?

As one may know, the season of autumn has a variety of colors. Picking the right color or pattern for an outfit is crucial, but can be challenging. One pattern, however, has been a classic of this season — plaid. This pattern can be generally worn by anyone and complement many things if worn correctly making it the best for November.

Plaid is more common than one may realize. It can be preppy, grunge, classic, or even punk, depending on how you style it. This makes it versatile and wearable for many people.

In cold climates, many people wear flannel shirts or coats. Flannels are typically patterned with multicolored plaid. Not only are plaids stylish, if you wear a plaid flannel, you stay warm and in style. Flannels are a fabulous garment to have. They are warm for cold weather, and you can wear oversized ones for the cute aesthetic.

But plaids do not typically have to be the colors you see on lumberjacks, they can be any color. Think of Cher’s iconic yellow plaid outfit from Clueless — it can be worn so many ways!

Now don’t be a drag, get some plaid. Stay in style for the month of November.