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Yoga and Pilates

Written By Jona Harders

Photographed By Lauren Falk

Graphics By Kaitlyn Patton

Modeled By Alayna Love, Ashton Diercks, Jona Harders, Kait Patton, & Parker Buzbee 

I am a part of Gen Z and I am influenced by the internet. I see what is trending and what other people are doing. Social media influences me a lot!  I cannot stick to one hobby! Time is limited and I have many interests. As a part of Gen Z I identify with these statements, and if you do too, keep reading!

In our world, it is hard to keep up with a hobby if you are not immediately a pro at it! We are constantly comparing ourselves to others due to social media. We can probably catch ourselves scrolling through Tik-Tok for hours, stockpiling hundreds of ideas for DIY projects or recipes we want to try next. In the end, none of it gets done. Moreover, we are wasting time on a platform that makes young people feel miserable. The thought that we are unable to master almost everything makes some people feel lazy or unaccomplished. 

An alternative to trying almost every activity or hobby possible is simply sticking to one that combines a few of your strongest interests. For example, you can take advantage of the versatility of effective and stress reducing sports.  A good way to do that is committing to yoga or pilates. Unlike other trends on Tik-Tok that rise and fall, pilates is a lifestyle, not a short-lived trend. Pilates is an appealing fitness style for everyone!

Hot Pilates, HIIT Pilates, Reformer Pilates, Stott Pilates, Winsor Pilates, Clinical Pilates, Classical Pilates, and more methods are constantly flourishing. 

To decide which of the many types of pilates could work for you, here are four types to start off your journey:

  1. Mat Pilates

Perfect for beginners to start their new experience slowly and with confidence! This type of work-out provides a great introduction to the basic movements of pilates. The only thing you need is yourself and an exercise mat. 

2. Contemporary Pilates

A go-to workout for people who want a combination of classic Pilates moves and other types of movement. Options include combining pilates and dance or pilates and yoga.

3. Reformer Pilates

Kim Kardashian, J.Lo, and many other stars and celebrities are using this method. Why not give it a try? Training with a reformer machine creates resistance and increases the intensity. 

4. HIIT Pilates

If you love high-intensity workouts, this is perfect for you! The combination of pilates and cardio creates a good balance for the body, burning calories and building muscle at the same time. 

Another way to create a healthy and consistent fitness lifestyle is by doing yoga. 

These days, there's no limit to the number of ways you can practice yoga! Why not try an outdoor yoga class? Whether it's held in the forest, parks, beaches, or in your yard, this could bring the practice of yoga and nature-based mindfulness closer to you. There is so much more to try.

1. Hot Yoga

A combination of heat with dynamic poses that will challenge your flexibility, increase detoxification, and improve cardiovascular endurance.

2. Yin Yoga

Provides a calming and introspective workout. The goal is to focus on passive poses held for several minutes. This targets the body´s deep connective tissues. Yin yoga aims to boost mindfulness and relaxation by using equipment such as blankets, bolsters, and blocks.  

3. Paddleboard Yoga

 This is for yoga lovers that are comfortable being on the water. Trying new poses on a paddleboard floating over water is a superior practice for balance and core strength.

4. Dog Yoga 

Enjoy practicing with some furry friends. Dog yoga offers a lovely and lighthearted adventure. This style is a great way to release stress and reduces anxiety by creating a stronger bond with your pet. 

The diversity of Pilates and Yoga is endless, so why not give it a shoot.