Ode for the Fro: After Allison Joseph

Written by Sha’Diya Tomlin

Photos of Madison Clayburn, Nia Harrison, Sha’Diya Tomlin, and Melo photographed by Mindy Welland

Black hair has set trends and broken barriers, yet it is told it’s not good enough. However, black hair is everything from every curl, coil, loc, and braid. So here is my ode, my celebration, in honor of the fro. 

To the 3a to the 4c,

The picks stuck in coils and combs snap like fingers at a poetry slam. 

The “mama that hurt” and the hot comb steam for trying to conform each spiral into something straight.

To the humidity for moisturization, sometimes even when it's not asked for. 

For the rubber band that couldn't hold you down.

See this fro is the history books tried to hide. 

Holds pain and scar, like skin.

Holds on to mama’s hand like learning how to manage the thick curls. 

Fro knows marches, knows sit-ins, knows how to protect from hate.

Yet soaks up all the love. And remembers curl patterns and protective styles. 

Fro takes up space,

And it fills up rooms, letting everybody know it’s there without announcement. 

Fro knows the sky better than I know my roots,

And so it reaches. 

Fro is a staple piece, a masterpiece even when “Massa” made them braid it down into cornrows. 

To the fro, I am because you ARE. 

So please when you see the fro, don’t touch. 

Know that this fro is the queen of the scalp and that it stands like a black panther rally fist on the head.

And it doesn't fall for gravity so it's never gonna fall for you.