How to Wear the Flannel Trend
As fashion week comes to a close in Paris for Fall and Winter 2018, we have already begun to see some trends that will more than likely be here to stay. One trend we are all on board for are those fun flannels. Flannels have always served as a staple in our closets, but now we are doing the most we can with them. The softer and bigger tend to be the better in my personal opinion. With the weather being so cold, I decided to mock up a couple outfits utilizing flannels in the winter snow.

The first outfit is pretty neutral, earth-toned, but when I paired the green jacket and the green pants with the flannel you get a pop of color that adds something to the outfit. Because of the myriad of colors, it is quite easy to find a flannel that matches something else in your closet. If you don’t have one in your closet, no worries just run down to the thrift shop and you’ll find a nice one there!

The second outfit pairs some tour merchandise with some thrifted denim. I thought the jeans would look very unique against the snow, which then made me want to carry the black denim throughout the outfit with this thrifted Levi’s denim jacket.
A gift from a dear friend, the YEEZUS tour graphic t-shirt harmonizes the black and white denim while also offering some bright red font which I tied together with the flannel bandana. I have been meaning to make a hood out of that material, but for now, it serves quite nicely as a bandana.
I wanted to compose an outfit that was modern but also a taste of western, inspired by the movie The Hateful Eight. The way the red bounces off of the snow really makes that flannel the key piece of the entire outfit.
One thing we love about flannels is their versatility. Flannels are comfy and cozy and they take an outfit from rolling fresh out of bed to rolling fresh out of bed but cared enough to throw something else on. No really, they do help pull outfits together so easily!
I styled this outfit thinking of what I would roll out bed in; a hoodie and some Nike sweats and then simply threw a flannel over it all to create a look and also add another layer.

The colors in the flannel help bring together the tan in the hoodie AND the light grey of the pants. The addition of the flannel gave me that beautiful dark blue to work with which I paired with the smallest, blue, leather knapsack I bought at an estate sale. Slide on some boots and your off to class looking good while not sacrificing comfort.

Remember when I said the bigger the better? Well that’s clearly evident in this last outfit. This huge flannel was rolling down the sales floor, fresh out of the backroom at Goodwill and it was love at first sight.
This big coat is able to keep you really warm and also act as a statement piece. Similarly, to the last, I wanted to put together an outfit that would be really easy to throw together and head out the door while remaining super warm.
The Nike joggers keep my legs warm while and added Champion hoodie underneath the coat keeps your ears warm.
Whether it is a big statement piece, a layering piece, or an accessory, flannels are an easy way to incorporate more colors to create a more put together look. Just because it is cold outside definitely does not mean you have to sacrifice comfort!
Photography by Bradley Balsters Photo Co.