Effortless Elegance: Styling Long Skirts for Every Occasion

Written By Parker Buzbee

Photography By Madison Clayburn

Modeled By Parker Buzbee, Natalia Cordero, Marisa Keller, Ashlee Finke, Vivian Rodriguez, & Alexis Stutte

Long skirts: Love them or hate them, they are making their way back into mainstream fashion. Long skirts first became popular in the 1930s, and has since fluctuated in length and style throughout history. Today, long skirts have become popular due to their versatility and variety, from casual outings, formal dinners, or somewhere in between, long skirts can be styled to fit any occasion. Whether you're aiming for a laid-back, casual vibe, or a high fashion statement, here’s how you can style long skirts to add a touch of elegance to your wardrobe.

Long skirts are perfect for casual outings such as running errands, going to class, or grabbing coffee with a friend, which was the inspiration for the first two outfits. For these two styles, we went for a flowy skirt in a lightweight fabric for more movement and comfortability. We paired the skirts with a graphic tee, used sneakers, and oversized sunglasses for a laid-back vibe. Who said casual couldn’t be stylish?

Lunch with friends is the occasion that best describes these next two outfits. The first is a beautifully patterned bohemian style skirt paired with a dark blue crop top, strappy black sandals, and a statement necklace. The next outfit is a black and brown patterned skirt with a black long sleeve and strappy sandals. Not feeling sandals today? No worries! You can certainly dress these outfits down by swapping those sandals out for some matching converse. 

Ever wonder how to style long skirts for the seasons? We got you! The  inspiration behind this next duo shows the contrast between a fall style and a summer style. To the left, we have a perfectly layered fall outfit that features a long black skirt, a long sleeve black undershirt, and a jean vest. For accessories, a statement necklace, sunglasses, and wrist band are added to match the vibe of this style. To the right, we have an elegant white, flowy, textured midi skirt paired with a baby tee, decorative socks, and black sandals. Both of these outfits are perfect for picnics, walking around the city, and date nights no matter the season. 

Long skirts have been weaving in and out of mainstream fashion for decades, but their recent increase in popularity has made them a fashion staple. Long skirts can be found almost anywhere: thrift stores, luxury brands, or even your mom’s closet! Long skirts come in a variety of different patterns, lengths, and textures, making them a perfect addition to your wardrobe. When thinking about how to style skirts, it's much simpler than you may  think. Styling is all about adapting to the occasion while expressing your own style, and the versatility of long  skirts allows you to do so. The key to a well styled long skirt is confidence. So, express your style, be confident, and you'll be sure to make an impression no matter the occasion.

Sartorial Magazine