Lauren Hill: LOLOLUXS

Written by: Nia Harrison

Photos by: Nia Harrison

Lauren Hill is a sophomore at Missouri State University, and majoring in fashion merchandising and design with a minor in marketing. On top of that, she is also the creator behind Lololuxs. Lololuxs is a jewelry store consisting of handmade necklaces, beaded bracelets, rings, and earrings. She is hopeful to expand in the future. Lololuxs started up last year during quarantine after Lauren stumbled upon a video of someone making a necklace.

 “I saw the second or third video where she was explaining how to do it. I was like oh my god, I could do that. So I did it, tried it, loved it. And here we are,” Lauren said.

Ironically, Lauren was not always into jewelry, but with her newfound ability to make it, she knew immediately that she wanted to sell her work. 

“Well, it started off as me wanting to sell it,” Lauren said. “But first, I wanted to make it for myself and see if I liked it. However, I had never been a super girly girl, or wore jewelry. I didn't get my ears pierced, my first holes, I think until I was a junior in high school. I was not into any of that stuff.”

Now, Lauren's mission is to have jewelry that stands out and brings customers out of their comfort zone.

“It’s supposed to be a mix between casual and funky, or a different style than what everybody would usually wear,” Lauren said. 

However, she leaves no one out as she has been able to provide jewelry for everyone across different ages. 

“I've sold to people like my mom who's 50 years old. She wears my stuff,” Lauren joked. “But then I have girls who are my age wearing fun earrings and fun colored necklaces. I try to have a little bit of everything for everybody because I feel like that's most fun, and everybody kind of gets to share that,” she said.

Of course before anything can be sold or created, the inspiration and idea must come first. 

“I do get a lot of inspiration from other people,” Lauren admits. “And I try to create my own things out of that. I'll take aspects of things and put my own little twist on it. Why not? I mean, I'm the one in control. I can do whatever I want with it.”

Social media like Tik Tok and Instagram have helped Lauren drastically along her journey of selling jewelry, but she had the opportunity to see her products sold at pop up shops. 

“I think that's really important  to have your product in a store, even if it's not officially official. It's cool to see that it was made possible for me by other women in small businesses. It's great that I've been able to be given that opportunity,” Lauren said.

Being able to be independent of her own shop is very rewarding to Lauren, and she does not plan on giving up her independence anytime soon.

“It's definitely my thing, and I don't really feel selfish for saying that. I love it. I don't think I ever want to share it with anybody,” Lauren said

But just because Lauren loves her independence, she advises anyone who is looking to start up their own shop to not shy away from asking for help.

“Try to do what you can on your own, but get help from people that you love and get ideas from them. Your customers are going to be your best critics. Do things on your own, but when you need help ask the right people,” Lauren advises. 

Follow @shoplololuxsjewelry on Instagram to find and purchase jewelry.