
Written by Mikayla Buneta

Photos by Britney Spangenburg

Cover edit by Desiree Daos

As the grass gets greener, so do the wardrobes. The subtleties of green, brown, orange, and other neutrals are inviting to wear this spring. Our generation’s fashion taste has leaned towards earth tones lately, as we head towards a period of self-expression using elements of the natural world. Concepts like cottagecore, fairy-grunge, and granola are admired in online communities and in day-to-day wear. This look can be achieved by layering textures, textiles, and patterns. It can be dressed up with buttons and slacks, or convey a more rural look with linen and lace. As a style commemorating nature and earthly imagery, outfits are often accessorized with florals, crystals, and eclectic jewelry. 

 Past trends in color theory would disregard brown as a viable choice to incorporate in fashion choices. Brown tended to be portrayed as boring, washed out, or flat out ugly in 2000s culture. Today the use of brown in self-expression has brought it into the light again. It’s warm, approachable, and calm. In its entirety, the earth-toned wardrobe is meant to convey these feelings of comfort. This palette can relate the wearer closer to the aspects of nature that are reliable yet tranquil. Subtle, yet known enough to be a staple within anyone’s closet. 

Experimentation with your personal style is in itself naturalistic. The array of subcultures developed in the online ecosystem can make finding your style daunting. Self-expression is ultimately taking the road less taken in creating interesting pieces. While earth tones are soft and mellow, they are also easy to mix and match to draw attention to your outfits. Let your own unique style take root when exploring earth-toned wear!