Emergency Intercom

Written by Ashlyn Sorrells and Alexis Loftis

Photos of Sarah Harbaugh, Alexis Loftis, Brinna Smith, and Ashlyn Sorrels by Sarah Nash

Podcasts have typically been generalized as political or self-help oriented, targeted toward older generations, but the podcast “Emergency Intercom” shows us that podcasts can be the complete opposite of this. Enya Umanzor and Drew Phillips, two best friends that made their start on Vine, have gradually emerged into well-known internet personalities. If you are in the loop with these two, you are well aware of their podcast “Emergency Intercom.” “Emergency Intercom” has hit the top 50 comedy podcast list on Spotify, and has taken Gen Z by storm. This podcast first began in June of 2021 and has continued to grow since.

The episodes include a wide array of topics including their childhood, stories of their nights out on the town, recent trips with friends, or anything buzzworthy. Their weekly episodes typically last around an hour, so they are perfect for a long road-trip or decompressing after work or school. They round off each episode with a media segment, which consists of their weekly movie and song recommendations. As we can see, their podcast is pretty casual and strays away from the typical podcast structure.

Drew and Enya have a pretty obvious influence on their following. Fans have created playlists of their songs from media, Instagram pages have been made specifically for the clothes Drew and Enya wear, and we’ve seen trends started by these two catch onto the masses.  

Enya and Drew both have pretty unique styles. Enya heavily expresses her Latin background through the things she wears. She is notorious for her layered gold necklaces and rosaries, white billowy dresses and blouses, hair ribbons, and loafers. We can see Enya frequently wearing brands such as Heaven, Miu Miu, and Stray Rats. In contrast to Enya’s ethnic background, Drew is from Granbury, Texas. Although his style does stray away from what we’d typically think is popular in small town Texas, we still see parallels between his wardrobe and Texan culture. Drew is typically wearing jeans or camo cargos, dad sneakers or his infamous uggs, t-shirts, vests, and trucker hats. Drew’s tried-and-true brands are North Face, New Balance, and Happy 99. They both display a heavy predilection for vintage, one-of-a-kind pieces as well.

Drew and Enya have attracted all types of demographics to their podcast due to their satirical charm and looseness. They are not afraid to be themselves, and the casual nature of their show is really what draws people in. If you are in need of a good laugh or an outlet on a bad day, “Emergency Intercom” will always provide it.