How to Create a Fulfilling and Productive Morning Routine

Written by Mara Kolberg, photos by Mara Kolberg

They say that the early bird gets the worm, but how exactly does the bird manage to do that? Mornings can be tough for anyone, and in the hustle and bustle of school, being intentional and productive in the morning can seem like an impossible task. However, by creating a routine that suits your needs, you can start your day in a way that gets you ready for anything that might come your way. Mornings are a time where anything is possible and you can focus solely on yourself without distraction. Once you make the morning a meaningful part of your day, you may find yourself looking forward to waking up. Here are some steps to help guide you in creating your perfect morning routine.


Step 1: Prepare.

Failing to Prepare is preparing to fail. In many situations, how the morning looks is dependent on your night before. If you set out a plan for your morning the night before, it is much easier to take on the start of the day. Here are some things to consider the night before.

1. Set out your outfit for the next day. Setting out what to wear the next day gives you a task to do right away in the morning and saves you time looking for the perfect outfit. 

2. Set a bedtime and stick to it. Your body is a rhythmic machine. If you set a bedtime and stick to it, you will find yourself getting tired around the same time every night, which will help you wake up at the same time in the morning. 

3. Set your alarm and keep it away from your bed. As tempting as it is to keep your alarm near you when you sleep, the temptation to hit snooze might be just too strong. Consider moving your alarm to the other side of the room, so you have to get up and turn it off.

4. Stay off your phone around bedtime. As tempting as it might be to scroll through Tik Tok just a bit more, studies have shown that screen time before bed can negatively impact your sleep, making it that much harder to wake up.

Step 2: Rise and Shine!

When that alarm goes off, it is time to get up. Still, the act of getting out of bed is easier said than done. Here are a few tips for getting out of bed.

1. Get up to turn off the alarm and stay up. If you set your alarm across the room, you have already made it through the hardest part: getting up. Now the challenge is staying that way. Instead of crawling back under the covers, go straight to the bathroom or your kitchen. This way, you are less tempted to crawl back under the covers. 

2. Wash your face and get dressed. Self-care and skincare go hand in hand. Having a morning face routine can be a great way to wake yourself up in the morning. The same goes for getting dressed. Bonus points if you put on your outfit that you picked the night before. 

3. Brew yourself a coffee or tea. A little pick me up caffeine can be a nice motivator in the morning. If you are not a coffee or tea person, water or juice can be great alternatives.

Step 3: Be productive!

Productivity is key. Now that you are awake and moving let's start the morning off right with some tasks that will get you ready for the rest of the day. Here are some things that can get you prepared.

1. Eat a breakfast that makes you feel amazing. Starting the day off with energy is critical. Eat a breakfast that will give you the energy needed to go about your daily activities. Oatmeal with fruit, yogurt with granola, or eggs with toast are a couple of examples of protein-rich breakfasts to try. 

2. Create a to-do list. Creating a list of tasks for the day is a great way to set your intention for the day ahead of you. Include things like homework to accomplish, meetings with friends, and emails to send.

3. Do some mindfulness. This can be in the form of journaling, positive affirmations, moving your body, or meditation. Getting in a good state of mind can help you take on the day and boost your mood. 

You have done it! The day has started, and you are ready to jump in headfirst. Of course, you know yourself best, so make sure that you do what is best for you in the mornings. Whether you use one of these suggestions or all of them, taking steps towards a healthier and happier you is an achievement. Now go out and seize the day!