Posts tagged Lifestyle
A History of Queer Fashion: How the LGBTQ+ Community Uses Fashion as a Signal

All throughout history, fashion has been used to communicate people’s identities to the world. Because being LGBTQ+ has historically been unaccepted by mainstream society, participating in these fashion identifiers usually happened in secret. The community would use certain accessories or styles of dress to communicate to one another their sexuality without the rest of the world knowing the code. Using fashion identifiers that only the in-crowd understood has been an important part of queer fashion history, with many examples.

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How to Create a Fulfilling and Productive Morning Routine

They say that the early bird gets the worm, but how exactly does the bird manage to do that? Mornings can be tough for anyone, and in the hustle and bustle of school, being intentional and productive in the morning can seem like an impossible task. However, by creating a routine that suits your needs, you can start your day in a way that gets you ready for anything that might come your way.

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