Why to Embrace the Era of Dopamine Dressing

Written and styled by Emma Wiltfong

Photos of Alexis Loftis, Brinna Smith, and Emma Wiltfong by Britney Spangenberg

The fashion ideology of “dopamine dressing” has been around for as long as fashion has existed, and here’s why you should return to these roots. 

In a nutshell, dopamine dressing is the idea that an individual dresses for themselves and what makes them happy. There is no consideration for the general public when getting dressed in the morning, and having no societally placed rules or guidelines makes an environment that fosters creativity and individuality. The goal is to reject fast fashion trends and create your own personal style. 

One of the strongest examples of dopamine dressing throughout history can be seen in the style of butch lesbians. Back in the fifties when McCarthyism—and the fear that the nuclear American lifestyle would be destroyed—was rampant, it was dangerous for anyone to be seen as an “other.” There were laws about how many garments an individual needed to be wearing that matched their assigned gender. But despite all of these actual laws, not just fashion laws, butch lesbians still wore the clothes they felt best in. They knew there was a risk of arrest or worse if they wore what reflected their true selves out of the house, but the need to show their identity was strong enough for them to pursue dopamine dressing.

 The term dopamine dressing has risen into popularity this year and can be associated with maximalism and “unhinged fashion girlies” which tends to be the direction this author leans into, but it doesn’t have to be a big statement with a million different layers and patterns. You’re likely already practicing dopamine dressing by putting on your favorite t-shirt and comfy jeans. It’s all about finding your own personal style and exploring what you like as an individual. Personal style is also the best way to fight fast fashion brands and the quickening trend cycle because you are only buying what you are actually going to wear over and over instead of focusing on microtrends that come and go in the span of a month or two.

So why should you embrace dopamine dressing? It shows your individuality and creativity, it rejects the arbitrary rules placed by society, it can be a nod to historic fashion, and it helps fight the waste of fast fashion companies. Think about it the next time you put on your favorite cozy sweatshirt.