Incorporating Ribbon Into Outfits

Written by Ashlyn Sorrells

Photographed by Hal Lueking (@luekingg)

Modeled by Alexis Loftis (@uuuhhhlexus67), Grace Bynum (@gracebyynum), Brinna Smith (@brinna_s), and Ashlyn Sorrells (@ashlynsorrells)

Accessorizing is a tactic used in the fashion world that many, including myself, are still trying to master. There are many different ways we can add to our outfits: belts, purses, jewelry – but what about ribbon? This is something typically only seen used in hairstyles, but integrating ribbon into our outfits is becoming more popular. Trends like ballet core, cottage core, and coquette have reintroduced ribbon into accessorizing and have reminded people how versatile it can be. 

 Ribbon originally became popular in France during the 11th century. It was considered a symbol of status, but over time has become more common in the fashion industry due to its functionality and affordability.  Because of the low cost and accessibility, we can see it carried through new eras of fashion and different trends over time. One example of a current trend implementing ribbon is ballet core, and upon the rise of this trend, we saw a surge of ribbon in casual fashion. 

In the past, ribbon has been associated with more dainty, feminine looks. Florals, lace, and pastels naturally pair well with ribbon, which we can connect to the recent popularity of coquette. But the trend “bloquette” has contradicted this. Bloquette is a mix between feminine pieces such as heels, ribbon, and skirts with masculine pieces, such as soccer jerseys and track jackets. This trend proves to us that ribbon can go with virtually any type of outfit whether it be jeans, bomber jackets, or even athletic wear.

 There are simple ways we can integrate ribbon into our outfits to enliven our looks. Adding bows in our pigtails or braids is one of the most common ways we see ribbon used in fashion. Other examples include using it as a belt, tying it around our belt loops or around our waists when wearing skirts adds an element of function. Tying it around our necks as chokers is also another common use. And my personal favorite, replacing tennis shoe shoelaces with ribbon is another functional way to use it, while still emulating the bloquette look. 

 From 11th century France to present day, ribbon has evolved in many new ways and we've seen this progression through trends over time. Finding small ways to accessorize clothing allows room for authenticity and provides us with full creative control when finding a personal unique style.  Bringing ribbon into our accessorizing routine is as simple as a quick trip to the craft store and allowing our creative minds to do the job.