Dear Future Trump Voter...

Dear Future Trump Voter,

I was a Trump supporter for nearly four years. I had a Trump t-shirt, Trump-related novelties, a sign, and even attended a rally, but can I convince you not to reelect President Trump? I’m not here to castigate you. I understand why you might find him appealing. He’s an outsider who lacks a filter. He stands up to liberals and the media while also standing for law and order, a strong military (Space Force, amiright?), and a secure border. The conservative stronghold he’s created in our court system is also remarkable. Instead of refuting this, I would like to pose some questions.

Is your life better than it was in 2016? Do you believe he acts presidential? Have we built “The Wall”? Has the Affordable Care Act been repealed and replaced? Has peace been achieved in the Middle East? Why isn’t Hillary locked up? Did North Korea end its nuclear program? Has The Swamp been drained? Does America feel united? Why does Trump blame the government for his problems when Republicans have control of two and a half of the three branches of government? Is it fair that he only paid $750 in federal taxes?

Trump has left behind a trail of broken promises en route to jackhammering the foundation of American politics. He has had chances to bring the country together; 2020 alone has given him ample opportunity. Instead, he has politicized nearly every issue there is to be politicized, and even some that shouldn’t (like the death of John McCain) in order to drive a deeper and deeper wedge into the American political landscape. On top of that, Trump seemingly has stopped at nothing to stoke a conflagration of distrust in the government that he is the head of. While Democrats have been consistently hostile towards the Trump administration, the same can be said about the administration’s attitude towards Democrats. From day one, Trump has rarely sought to seek compromise with the opposition, and for his first two years, he had virtually zero opposition! 

Trump serving as president is not good for America or the GOP. I’m aware that some Trump supporters don’t necessarily identify as Republican- or with any political party for that matter- but speaking to my fellow Republicans: If we want to continue as a major political party in the United States, we can not have four more years of this guy. Our country is rapidly expanding and becoming more diverse. Instead of fighting change, we must guide it, or we will be left behind. President Trump is not an agent of change. Simply opposing Democratic ideas because they were proposed by Democrats won’t work for much longer. If we feel strongly about one issue or another we should work to come up with a Republican alternative to that issue. Supporting small government does not give us an excuse to not govern.

I can’t speak for how well a Biden administration would do and I’m not advocating you vote for Joe Biden. To tell you the truth, I don’t believe either one is a real humdinger of a candidate. The fact that these two men are the best that our major parties could do is uninspiring, to say the least. I’m aware that our nation has trouble taking third party candidates seriously, but I ask that you consider doing research on some of them. The past two elections have shown us that Democrats and Republicans alike aren’t going to reliably provide us with stellar presidential candidates. We need to begin looking at the other options we have. Perhaps if we do, we can cause change. At the end of the day, no single person can rid the government of corruption and inefficiency. That responsibility lies with Americans when we cast our votes. I frankly don’t care who you vote for. Just don’t vote for Donald Trump.