Posts tagged Politics
At a crossroad: Where does America go from here?

Ronald Reagan once said that freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. In our lifetime, there has never been more reason to believe that to be true than through this past election cycle. We grew up believing that whatever threats American society faced lurked somewhere in the shadows of a far-off nation. Instead, it’s becoming plain to see that those threats are within the United States itself.

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"No pride in cops or capitalism"

In 2019, I attended the San Francisco Pride Parade. Surrounded by the biggest crowd I had ever seen, we waited for the event to start. I kept checking my phone. 30 minutes went by with no word, legs burning as we sat on the hot pavement which had been baking underneath the California sun. I checked my phone again, and an hour had gone by. The parade still hadn’t started…

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Dear Future Trump Voter...

I was a Trump supporter for nearly four years. I had a Trump t-shirt, Trump-related novelties, a sign, and even attended a rally, but can I convince you not to reelect President Trump? I’m not here to castigate you. I understand why you might find him appealing. He’s an outsider who lacks a filter. He stands up to liberals and the media while also standing for law and order, a strong military (Space Force, amiright?), and a secure border. The conservative stronghold he’s created in our court system is also remarkable. Instead of refuting this, I would like to pose some questions.

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