Posts tagged Opinion
How to make friends for the long-haul

My friends are truly my biggest flex. But, this hasn’t always been the case for me. In fact, I’ve gone through some really challenging friendship situations that have ultimately led me to have a pretty critical eye when it comes to friends. As a freshman in college, I felt like I had a tough time making friends. Coming from high school where you know everyone and everyone knows you, I felt lost in a sea of new people. But over time, I got more brave with my friendships. As a senior, I’ll be leaving with some of the best people I’ve ever known, but it’s because I put in the work to make it happen.

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Controlling birth or women? Accessing birth control is harder than you think

Since the dawn of time, people have been horny. It’s how we’ve survived as a species this long. Unwanted pregnancy, though, has never been convenient, not when you’re a medieval peasant woman or a woman in the 21st century trying to make it through college. Luckily for us, birth control has evolved far past weird and potentially life-threatening mixtures of herbs and spices. There is still one huge issue, though: accessibility.

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Promising Young Woman Review

So what makes a nice person? How do women and men’s fears differ? Why and when are certain people forgiven for their actions? Full of stunning color palettes and shiny cinematography, “Promising Young Woman” is full of unexpected twists and turns, and concepts that will leave you pondering long after the credits have rolled.

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Cooking, creating, and decentralizing consumption

I learned one valuable skill as a result from the coronavirus pandemic — how to cook. I’m not an advanced chef by any means, but before the pandemic, my cooking experience started and ended with boiling pasta on the stove. I still boil a lot of pasta on the stove, but trust me when I say the quality of my meals has improved exponentially.

But cooking has done more than just help me learn new recipes. It changed my relationship with food for the better, allows me to express myself creatively, and has helped decentralize consumption from my life.

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At a crossroad: Where does America go from here?

Ronald Reagan once said that freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. In our lifetime, there has never been more reason to believe that to be true than through this past election cycle. We grew up believing that whatever threats American society faced lurked somewhere in the shadows of a far-off nation. Instead, it’s becoming plain to see that those threats are within the United States itself.

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What happens now?

You switch on the tv and see the headlines — “Joe Biden is the 46th president-elect.” Or maybe you felt your pocket buzz with the notification of Biden’s win while in class. No matter where you were when you got word or which side you were rooting for, you probably wondered to yourself, “What happens now?” The short answer? Hold your politicians accountable.

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Dear Future Trump Voter...

I was a Trump supporter for nearly four years. I had a Trump t-shirt, Trump-related novelties, a sign, and even attended a rally, but can I convince you not to reelect President Trump? I’m not here to castigate you. I understand why you might find him appealing. He’s an outsider who lacks a filter. He stands up to liberals and the media while also standing for law and order, a strong military (Space Force, amiright?), and a secure border. The conservative stronghold he’s created in our court system is also remarkable. Instead of refuting this, I would like to pose some questions.

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